Let's live with goodness!' or “Let’s a good person’ Maybe it's been a long time since you heard it. Perhaps when you were a child, you heard this a lot. Many of the films I saw in my childhood were about the subject of "Good is the winner” Now, it has become hard to say. "Let's be a good person." I also asked myself if I am a good person. Should I live with goodness as a pastor? Does only the pastor need to be a good person?
Nowadays, the world seems to have challenged the word of “to live good is to be blessed.” 'If you live good, you are loser.’, 'A good person is stupid.' This is the world where we live. So some parents say to their children, 'Let's be a successful person.’, ' Make a lot of money. Have power. ' Such phenomenon indicates that it is wise and worthy not to live good.
[Story train] is a story in a fairy tale.
A wife took a train with her children. When the children make noises in train, the lady tells the story to the children with hope to be quiet. She said that a good child saved his life because he was good. But it seems that the story made children a bit boring. Then a gentleman next to them tells another story.
"Once upon a time there was a very nice good. She is so good and nice that she has received three medals: "Good Lister, Good Study, Good Living," and the prince of the country is also told that the girl is very nice. The prince invited the girl to the palace with delight. The girl who entered the palace garden was very happy. Because she is good, she is invited to the palace and she can see the amazing animals and trees in this wonderful garden. But then the wolf lounged around the garden. The girl who saw the wolf hid in the bush terrified. And the girl gets a lot of regrets. 'I would not have happened if I was not particularly good'. Fortunately, the wolf turned away without finding a girl. But then the girl's three medals hit itself and made the sound of a cricket. The wolf listened to the sound, turned right back and hit the girl. (Source: [distant, mountain, bar, etc.])
She might think that she would be blessed because she has lived well, but as a result, her goodness resulted in being a wolf’s prey. So, this story teaches us that we should not live with goodness. It may be the story of a world in which “live with goodness” is the object of ridicule. Those who have lived in goodness might regret to live with goodness. 'I should not live good” To hear such a regret make me sad.
It is because the goodness is not respected anymore; instead, the badness is respected in the world. Thus, some people want to abandon goodness and live badly because they may think that “To live with badness is to give a better life in the world.”
What does the church need to do in such a world where forget the goodness? Should the church abandon goodness and pursue what the world says? Should we, the church, live according to the logic of the world and the wisdom of the world? Does not the church have to do this? That is correct.
The church should at least cry out 'Let’s do good” and decide to live for goodness.
I hope that it will not be ridiculous to say, "Let's do good! “I want to see that “Let’s do good” is worthy in the world where we live.
This is the beginning of a book, “What Money Can’t Buy”, written by Michael Sandel, a professor at Harvard University. 'There are things in the world that cannot buy with money. But there is not much left these days. It's because everything is being traded. " The world that keeps buying things that cannot be bought with money is a hard world to live. “Good” cannot be bought with money. In our lives, we can and cannot afford money.
"You can buy a house with money, but you cannot buy a family with money. Money can buy watches, but money can’t buy time. Money can buy a bed, but money cannot buy sleep. Money can buy books, but money cannot buy knowledge. Money can buy a doctor, but money cannot buy health. Money can buy a position, but money can’t buy the respect. Money can buy blood, but money cannot buy life. "
As I read this article, I had a lot of sympathy. There is precious value in our lives that we cannot afford with money. Goodwill and faith are such valuable places. It is a precious thing that cannot be bought with money.
If the church declines to be good, there is no reason to be a church. If the church throws away the goodness, it is like leaving the world to rot. Therefore, it is important to live with goodness. Being a good person is important.
As expected, there are many biblical words saying that "Live with goodness”.
Wicked men are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous stands firm. (Proverbs 12: 7).
No harm befalls the righteous, but the wicked have their fill of trouble (Proverbs 12:21).
In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality. (Proverbs 12:28).
A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous. (Proverbs 13:22).
The righteous eat to their hearts' content, but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry. (Proverbs 13:25)
The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him. (Proverbs 20: 7).
the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever. (Psalm 37:29).
These are what we learn in the Bible. To live with goodness is good. This is to believe and live. If we live our lives well, we have a good influence on our descendants. It is the reason why we should live good and the purpose. "Goodness" is a precious value that we must keep.
I hope that the words of today 's text will be a comforting word if there are people who have been living with goodness, but are in the hard times. These are the promises that the Lord has given us. The promise of the Lord is fulfilled.
Today we are introducing Barnabas like this. 'Barnabas is a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and faith. And considerable numbers were brought to the Lord. a great multitude was added unto the Lord.
That's how it was read. As I read and read the text, a man named Barnabas envied me. I have a dream that I would like to receive such an evaluation. "Barnabas is a good man. He is full of the Holy Spirit and faith! "Everyone in the early churches acknowledged Barnabas. God also acknowledged Barnabas as a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith. "
God, Barnabas is good! I would like you to put your name in place of Barnabas. "The people of our church are good persons, full of the Holy Spirit and faith." This is a precious value.
There are several records of Barnabas in Acts. The name Barnabas means "son of consolation" (Acts 4:36). And Barnabas lived comforting many people like his own name.
When the early church was in trouble, he sold his field and helped the church. In other words, he helped those who suffered economically because of their faith in Jesus. It is self-evident that this has been a relief to those who suffer.
Although Saul, who persecuted Jesus, believed in Jesus and preached “Jesus is the Christ”, the apostles of Jerusalem did not believe in the conversion of Saul. Barnabas was the one who believed Saul's words and introduced him to the early church. Barnabas was a man who made people’s relationship good.
And in the text today, Barnabas is the link between the Gentiles in Antioch and the Jews in Jerusalem. The news that not a small number of Gentiles but a large number of Gentiles came to believe in Jesus is what shocked the Saints in Jerusalem. Jerusalem to Antioch is 400 kilometers away. I cannot find any prejudice in Barnabas's view of what's happening so far. That's why the apostles sent him to Antioch. Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith.
There is something Barnabas has seen in Antioch. He saw 'the grace of God'. He was a spiritual man with a sense of seeing people and seeing the 'grace of God' in them. And Barnabas exhorted people to "stay with the Lord with a firm heart" with joy. Those who comfort and encourage people are also a scene of showing good people. Because of Barnabas, there are many believers there. And as the number of people increased so that he could not bear it alone, Barnabas visited Saul.
Barnabas would contact the church in Jerusalem if he would need a person. Barnabas should seek someone to help the church in Jerusalem, but in verse 25 we see that he looks for Saul.
As you will see later, Barnabas and Saul are different styles. It would be inconvenient to work together. But Barnabas visited Saul and taught people with him. One reason Barabbas came to Saul is to find a right person who can teach God's Word well. And we can see that the Antioch church has grown spiritually in quality for a year. The record of being called 'Christian' in Antioch is also telling the level of the Antioch church.
Today's text is what modern church leaders need to learn. As the number of people in the church grows, church leaders try to keep their positions. So there is a tendency to take a leader who thinks he is worse than himself. But Barnabas did not. He brought an excellent leader, Saul, to Antioch church farther than myself. And he worked hard with him.
Barnabas brought Saul because he was a good man and full of the Holy Spirit and faith. The purpose of his life was not in the "number increase" but in the spiritual growth of the saints in Antonia. The purpose of his life was also in goodness, full of the Holy Spirit and faith. In other words, the purpose of life in Barnabas was to be a person of good character and faith.
Barnabas was a good man. This means that he has a nuance of being a good person since he was a child. But being good is also the fruit of the Holy Spirit. He can also be interpreted as being better in the Lord as a person of faith. The more faith he has, the better he will be. That's Barnabas. I also hope that such a person will be yours. Such a person also wants me to be.
Character and Faith. These are really important values. It is a value that modern churches should not forget. Being a man of good character and faith. We want to remember that not one thing is important, but both are important. Leaders of good character and faithfulness desperately need this land. I want you to be such people. I want to be such a person.
Let's do in goodness. Do something good this week.
"Please concession. Speak of encouragement. Encourage them to be the best. Please cheer up. Please speak warmly. Please say that I love you. Take courage to say you're sorry. "
And also this week, I want to live a life full of faith and the Holy Spirit.
I want you to be of good character and deep faith. I pray that the Lord help you. The Lord will help you. This is our prayer, and 'good living' is the goal of our lives.
I will be proud that I have lived a life full of goodness, faith and the Holy Spirit even if I can not make a lot of money, do not wear good clothes, do not get a good car, “Goodness” will be our crown.
The church should live with ‘goodness;. You and I, church people, should live with goodness. This will make the world beautiful. Even if the world is unfair, the church should not forget goodness. I hope you and I can cry wisdom to live by the teachings of God, not the teachings of the world, but the logic of God, not the logic of the world.
Do you really have a good will? It is important to have will. The will is to keep our hearts firm. And that is what happens to it. It is our job to turn in the direction we want to go and head forwards. Then the Lord helps us. The Lord supports us.
Barnabas is a good man, full of faith and the Holy Spirit. What kind of person are you? Although it may be ridiculous to live with goodness, the church should not give up kindness. It is time for the Lord to say to live with goodness, a righteous life. If you want a beautiful world, if you want a fair world, if you want a righteous world, then the Church must seek goodness that you cannot afford with money. 'Faith and the Spirit must be full. These are our values. It is also our goal to live. 'Let's do good. And faith and the Holy Spirit will be filled.
Our other lives. I hope to live with goodness, our descendants will be blessed. It is the promise of the Lord. Amen!